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It’s a new year and with that comes new things I want to accomplish - which really consists of doing the same things I’ve done for the last decade.
As I’ve said many times in the past, the only thing that matters for getting better or accomplishing anything are the behaviors and habits you develop in accomplishing that thing. The end-state may or may not happen, but instilling values/habits in the process will create long term success regardless of end-state.
There are two things I want to cover for this week's post:
1. A breakdown of the 10-miler program
2. The release of the Studio training app
10-Miler Prep
As stated above, this is both something new and but a compilation of everything I've done before. There will be easy runs, speed-work, threshold runs, and long sessions. Wrap it all together into three overarching blocks and we have a cohesive plan to run my fastest 10-miler ever. This will be broken down over the next few months as follows:
I previously ran the Army 10-miler in October, setting a PR with a 6:37/mile pace for an overall time of 1:07.
This was decent for me. However, I did zero 10-miler specific race prep. The previous prep I was running was purely focused on improving my 1-mile time.
As a result, I'm beyond excited to work on this. The only caveat is this upcoming race has ~500ft of elevation gain, whereas the Army 10-miler had 265. So double the elevation gain, but pairing that with specific prep. Let's see what happens.
Additionally, I was still enjoying my weekends last year. This year, I've completely cut alcohol out and cleaned my diet up. We are FOCUSED. So let's break it down:
This race prep will consist of 5-6 training days per week.
Base phase will consist of ramping from ~20 miles per week -> ~40.
Build phase will consist of 30-40 miles per week, paired with long form intervals and tempo runs.
Peak phase will bring in race specific prep, adding long race-pace tests to the build phase type weeks.
Every week will have 2x full body lift sessions. The goal here is to slightly improve strength in the compound movements, as well as explosive power, lower body stability, and injury prevention.
That's it. The overall programming is fairly simple but well structured. The actual work is in having high quality workouts each and every day, eating well, sleeping better, and keeping behaviors in check (absolutely zero alcohol). The funny thing about drinking is once you stop you are less incentivized to drink again. It's easier to drink every Friday than it is to resume drinking after a long block of not. I enjoy waking up rested EVERY day. Nothing limiting me except myself. I encourage everyone participating in the programming to do the same.
This leads us to where the programming will actually be:
The AG Studio App - the official release.
I've spent some time in the past working to build a cohesive webapp to host all past, present, and future training. This is the official release after a full re-build.
Right now it is purely focused on daily programming. I am working to add the feature back that will allow you to start and run programs at any point in time.
If you haven't signed up yet - head to app.acidgambit.com and grab a username. It is completely free. I have a lot I'd like to add to make it a well-rounded fitness app including pairing strava/whoop, tracking workouts, user profiles, daily programming, structured programs, and tracking. Let's work.
This is not Legal, Medical, or Financial advice. Please consult a medical professional before starting any workout program, diet plan, or supplement protocol.