AG Cohort #1 starts January 1st through February 12th 2023. The past year I’ve spent coaching 1:1 countless athletes with insane backgrounds. The growing trend is many of you are coming in with a similar background level and seeking a similar level of performance. However, I am extremely limited in how many I’m able to work with.
AG Cohorts brings a new style of training that allows me to work with significantly more people at the same time. Many of you are seeking a stronger aerobic base, increased peak barbell strength, and a stronger engine through high intensity training. These exact goals are what drive the core of AG Cohorts. It will bring in high intensity and low volume training focused on growing these attributes. This will be paired with nutrition training - eating for performance and a focus on behaviors. Behaviors cover the spectrum of sleep, substance use, daily activities (i.e. steps per day) and mental approach to training/life. Tying together training, nutrition, and behaviors is the key to excellency in athletics.
The cohorts are 6 weeks long starting with an intense baseline period in the first week that we’ll work off of moving forward. We’ll meet three times in team calls, train 5-6 times per week, and compete throughout. The added benefit is maintain life access to cohort training. After you finish your 6 week cohort, although you can sign up for the following cohort you will maintain access to all future training for future cohorts. This is meant to drive forward the AG team into a new depth we’ve never touched.
I look forward to working with you. Check the link below!